A whole hell of a lot
Oh boy! I forgot about this blog. Sorry.
We have been up to so much I dont even know were to start.
370 degrees held a workshop with us in creative thinking and at the end of the day my group came up with what we wanted to do with 900.000 km2 in India. Our idéa was an marine university with fishingschools etc.
We have started our experience technology course. We started up by making a concept in just one day. We made a huge touchscreen floor concept were people were able to share pictues on the floor.
We have had a couple of workshops one mobile workshop with Stephanie and another in sound design.
But all my power right now goes to our big project. My group is working with RFID and we have a pretty good idea I believe.
We are making a game and I'm designing the interface with Johan.
So sparkling new notebooks from apple on theusday right!
Oh that reminds me I signed up for the apple developer world tour in Stockholm december 8.
Postat av: olle
kolla in den här, så jävla rolig, och smart!