More lectures!
Another lecture yesterday and yet again about trends (not that it is uninteresting i any way). This time Katarina Graffman from inculture. She is has started her own company (January 2008) and work as a trendspotter. Her company then provides solutions to companies based on the sightings they make. One working method that they use is that they actually live with people in their homes and analyze their behaviours! Big Brother? The lecture was mainly about youngsters in the ages 15-20. I got some information that I allready knew but also some interesting new ones. The lecture felt a little stressfull due to the lack of time and mass of content.
The videoconsole in 2013
I started to look into the possibilities of the future console and its technical presuptions. The three leading companies in the console industry Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft have all released their consoles within the range of 4-6 years, meaning that the next consoles will arrive in about 2013. The Microsoft Games Studio VP Shane Kim has confirmed that Microsoft will support the Xbox 360 untill 2013.
Of cource the next consoles are in the planning and are highly affected by the technology industry. I think they are waiting for technics to be ready for the commercial market.
Exampels of technics on the upcoming are small portable projectors. Holographic video chats.
Waiting hour
I'm the only one in my group that has gotten an answeer or actually two answers. An answer from and a Lithuanian freelancer. They are both interested in participating and do an interview with us. So far so good. I sent another mail with the questions in about 24 hours ago, about 10 am yesterday. But no answers yet. They both prefered to answer the questions by mail so I guess we just have to wait. What I do find a bit strange is that we have gottten no answers from the bigger bureus in Iceland, Czechia and Ireland as far as I know. Maby our mail came out as spam? We have written a script to do the interviews by phone.
Workshop and lectures
So today we had some great people over from Delihaze Group (a groceries company). Our mission was to disscus and figure out how we want our present and future workenviroment to be and look like. We worked in small group with six of us hypers and 1-2 from the Delhhaize group. We got some tasks and disscused these in our group to come up with the essential ones and write them down on a pice of cardboard. A lot of it actually had to do with architecture, an open office with good light sources and lots of space. An creative enviroment with the possibilities to personalize your own desk etc. Another big subject was freedom, the possibility to have the trust from co-workers and leaders to be able to decide your working hours and even your working days. Healthiness was another subject, with activitys for the staff and plants or closeness to the nature in other ways.
There were lots of different thoughts on the subject and a verry fun and inspiering thing to do. Much more relaxed then I expected. And as a little treat we all got an 2gb USB stick from Delhaize. Thank you!
On monday and thuseday we had lectures. Paul Collins from Åkestam.Holst and Magnus Lindkvist from Pattern Recognition. They both had thoughts about the future and trend spottings. They were both verry inspiering and good speakers. They got my mind and thought spinning. Awsome!
Digital trends
So one of our tasks is to spot digital trends that are happening and will happen in the future.
This is a tricky question. I found this great blog with many thoughts on future trends.
The key headlines seemes to be.
International Webb
More and more countries get connected and use Internet in a bigger scale.
More and more countries get connected and use Internet in a bigger scale.
More and more of this future, customize your pages the exact way you want.
More and more of this future, customize your pages the exact way you want.
Good and interesting topics, read!
Lithuanias finest
To find designbureus in smaller european countrys is extremly exciting. My vote fell on Lithuania. A country in north-eastern europe with almoust 3.5 million inhabitants. It dosent seem the be that meny designbeuerus in the country but I found two good contestors. and are both exciting and they have each recieved an mail with an question about an interview. Lithuania dosent lack good designers I found quite a feew freelancers looking for work att the behance network